Leadership Coaching

Leadership or executive coaching is a one-on-one interaction between a Coach and a Client focused on the personal and professional development of the Client in an area of their choosing. As Coach, I will help you, the Client, identify your desired outcomes and facilitate your discovery of the path to achieve them through deep discussion and continuous self-reflection.

I believe that all of my Clients are already awesome and my role is to help them tap in to and unleash that awesome into the work they do. I’m not big on advice-giving or providing direction. To me, coaching is like going to an art museum. The problem or situation or reality of the Client is some abstract piece of art with you standing in one spot observing it. From where you stand, you think you know what it is. My job is to invite you to walk around it and observe it from a different angle. What does it look like from this perspective? Is it the same or different than from the previous spot? It’s not my job to tell you what it is, but to help you explore and discover what it is for you.

It’s important to understand that:
• Coaching is not therapy, counseling, advice-giving, mental health care, or treatment for substance abuse. Coaches are (typically) not licensed mental health professionals, and coaching is not intended as a replacement for counseling, treatment for mental illness, or professional medical advice.
• Coaching is not consulting. Leadership or Executive Coaches are not experts with technical information to share or business skills to teach.
• Coaching is for individuals who are emotionally and psychologically healthy and who want to make changes and move forward in their lives.

I have focused much of my coaching on helping emerging leaders – those in the early stages of transitioning to a full-time management position – discover their authentic leadership style and lead with intention. I try to coach the person, not the problem. This typically means connecting the tactical issue of today into the more broad set of values and beliefs you hold. Other possible areas of exploration include specific personal projects, life balance, job performance and satisfaction, career direction, communication skills, self-confidence or general conditions in personal and professional life.

Ready to jump in? Still have more questions? Send a message or schedule a complementary introduction call and see if it’s the right fit.